Bus Transfer: Anchorage to Seward

  • 4.8
  • 3.5 hrs

  • $64 / person

This is our fastest and most affordable option between Anchorage and Seward providing direct bus service to the Seward cruise ship terminal with pick-ups at major Anchorage Hotels and the Airport. Includes narration from you READ MORE...


About Anchorage to Seward Travel Options

How far is Anchorage to Seward?

The trip from Anchorage to Seward is just over 120 miles or about a 2.5 hour drive. It's an easy day trip or weekend trip from Anchorage. Cruise travelers often fly into Anchorage then choose a bus or train transfer to get to Seward for their cruise to avoid having to rent a car.

How can you get to Seward without renting a car?

The best options to get to Seward to avoid renting a car are:

Where will the bus tour pick me up?

Bus tours typically pick you up at your hotel or the airport. To get to the train stration, you can leverage a ride share service, taxi, or hotel shuttles. When you book your shuttle, you'll get full details about transportation options.

Is Seward worth visiting?

Yes, Seward is definitely worth visiting! One of the most popular options is a boat tour into Kenai Fjords National Park, where you can take in sweeping scenic views and watch for abundant wildlife. You can also go whale watching, dog sledding, or snowmobiling in Seward. 

What are the top sights in Seward?

The top sights in Seward are Resurrection Bay and Kenai Fjords National Park. In May and June, Orac watching is very popular.