Juneau Pack Creek Bear Viewing

Excursion Overview

Visit the crown jewel of the Tongass National Forest

Pack Creek Bear Viewing on Admiralty Island is the once-in-a-lifetime Alaskan activity you've been searching for. This small group adventure starts with a 25-minute scenic flight from Juneau to Admiralty Island, home to an estimated 1500 Coastal Brown Bears. Your small group, along with your expert guide, will spend the next several hours viewing bears in their natural habitat.

Pack Creek is a specially designated bear viewing site within the Kootznoowoo Wilderness of the Admiralty Island National Monument. Protected from hunting nearly 100 years ago, the Coastal Brown Bears thrive in this area. Limited permits are available to visit the area so book early. This seasonal excursion visits during the spring mating season and the late summer foraging season.

Your expert local guide has crafted a carbon-negative experience for bear viewing. Guest safety is of the utmost importance, all guests receive a safety briefing before departing Juneau. Guides carry necessary equipment including satellite communication devices, first aid kits, emergency shelter, and bear spray.

Please note: this tour is available from May 10th to June 20th and again from August 26th to September 15th

Things You Need to Know


  • Roundtrip transportation
  • Roundtrip flights from Juneau to Admiralty Island for remote bear viewing
  • Healthy lunch
  • Rain gear, rubber boots, waterproof backpacks
  • Binoculars and spotting scope with tripod
  • Bear spray, permits and expert local guide


  • Guests on group trips should be ‘moderately’ fit. At the beach, guests will need to disembark the plane into about a foot of water on uneven ground. Once on dry land, the beach can be rough and slippery.
  • It is recommended to bring at least one camera, any vital medications, and that you dress in warm layers that can be adjusted as the weather and activity level changes
  • Do not bring scented items like lotions and creams. You should not bring anything bulky that you cannot easily carry with you at all times. Food and beverages must be handed over to the guide for safe storage.
  • Each guest is limited to one backpack each. You must be able to easily carry everything you bring with you.
  • Signed liability waiver
  • Minimum of 3 Required to Book
  • Guests must be ages 12 or older to participate, please advise that bear viewing is a mostly sedentary activity that requires guests to be patient and relatively quiet for long periods

Duration: 6 hours (Roundtrip from cruise ship terminal.)

  • 15 minutes - meet guide and transportation to seaplane
  • 25 minutes - seaplane from Juneau to Admiralty Island
  • 2.5-4 hours - bear viewing at Pack Creek
  • 25 minutes - seaplane from Juneau to Admiralty Island
  • 15 minutes - return transportation to downtown Juneau

Meeting Instructions:

  • This tour departs from the Elizabeth Peratrovich Plaza central to the downtown Juneau cruise ship terminals. Fully detailed instructions are included on your finalized ticket vouchers.

ADA Accessibility of Tour:

  • This tour is not wheelchair or limited mobility accessible.

Refund Policy:

  • Due to the nature of this tour, the cancellation policy is as follows:
    Cancellations for any reason are subject to a nonrefundable $75 per person fee.
  • Please see our Refund Policy Page for complete details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Guests must be 12 years or older to participate. Bear viewing is a mostly sedentary activity that requires us to be patient and relatively quiet for long periods.

Guests on group trips should be ‘moderately’ fit. At the beach, guests will need to disembark the plane into about a foot of water on uneven ground. Once on dry land, guests must be able to walk up to two miles on uneven and sometimes slippery terrain to reach the viewing area. Guests with mobility issues are encouraged to book a private trip. Bear viewing is a mostly sedentary activity that requires us to be patient and relatively quiet for long periods.

Every passenger gets a window seat.

You will have a guide who is knowledgeable about the wildlife that inhabit the rainforest, and it is extremely likely that you will see bears but not guaranteed.

Food and drinks while permitted, must be handed over to the guide for safe storage.

Waterproof backpacks are provided. You should not bring anything bulky that you cannot easily carry with you at all times. Extra items can be left in our vehicle in Juneau.

We suggest wearing warm layers, a jacket, and sunglasses. Wool and fleece layers are a smart choice as well as hats and gloves. Rubber boots are provided for disembarking the plane at the beaches.

Gratuity is not included in the tour price. Please consider tipping your pilot and guide.

Pack Creek is a wilderness location with no facilities (shelter and bathrooms). Your group will pack out all waste and follow Leave-No-Trace Principles.

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Guest Reviews

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Best Price Guarantee!


Duration: 6 hours

Best Price Guarantee!

Duration: 6 hours

Minimum of 3 Required to Book

Adult (1-249lbs): $999.00

Adult (250lbs+): $1,299.00

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