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Juneau City Tour & Highlights

2 reviews

Excursion Overview

Juneau Historic City Highlights

Explore historic downtown Juneau and celebrate the highlights on a family-friendly tour. Brotherhood Bridge Park, Douglas Island, and Breaching Whale Park are a few stops to learn and discover more about Juneau's origins. This tour promises a fun, educational, and affordable experience for the whole family, with the chance to see "Thaku," a life-sized breaching whale statue at Mayor Bill Overstreet Park in Downtown Juneau!

Whether visiting by cruise ship or traveling independently to Juneau, enjoy the scenic drive with iconic Alaskan scenery as your backdrop.

Things You Need to Know


  • Roundtrip transportation from the cruise ship terminal
  • Overstreet Park - meet "Takhu," Juneau's unique 40-foot sculpture depicting a breaching whale
  • Homestead Park - savor the breathtaking views from this secluded gem, offering vistas of the ocean and Juneau city nestled among towering mountains
  • Kaxdigoowu Heen Dei (also known as Brotherhood Bridge Park) - weather permitting, you can admire a distant view of the Mendenhall Glacier and take in the natural splendor of the Mendenhall Valley


  • There are no additional requirements for this excursion.

Duration: 1.5 hours (Roundtrip from cruise ship terminal)

  • 1.5 hours - roundtrip scenic bus tour from downtown Juneau

Meeting Instructions:

  • This tour meets at the Goldbelt Mount Roberts Tramway, central to the main cruise ship docks in Juneau. Fully detailed instructions are included on your finalized ticket vouchers.

ADA Accessibility of Tour:

  • This tour is limited mobility accessible. Guests must be able to climb 4 steps into and out of the bus. There is limited space for collapsible wheelchairs and walkers. There is no storage available for motorized scooters. Please leave a comment during checkout if accommodations for collapsible equipment will be required on tour.

Refund Policy:

  • You may cancel for any reason up to seven (7) days prior to the date of the tour for a full refund.
  • Please see our Refund Policy Page for complete details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Up to 44 passengers may join the scenic bus tour.

There are no age restrictions for this excursion. Guests under 2 years of age may sit on a parent or guardian's lap.

Backpacks, small bags, and purses are permitted on this tour.

Non-alcoholic beverages in closeable containers and snacks are allowed on tour.

As a commercial transport vehicle, car seats are not required and we do not provide them but you are welcome to bring your own.

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Guest Reviews


2 total


Lloyd R

On Sep 2024

Rain, Rain, misty, fog...It was a great informative ride. The weather just did not want to work with us. Our first stop was at Brotherhood Bridge Trail for the view of Mendenhall Glacier. It would have been a great spot but Mother Nature had other plans and left it blocked by fog. Next stop was on Douglas Island at Homestead Park. We walked down to the viewing point and took photos of the Channel and 5 ships ( 1 that was tendering ) that were in port at that time. Next stepping off point was Tahku: The Whale Sculpture. The fountain has a water show that makes Tahku look like it is coming out of the water. The fountain lasts 5ish minutes and starts every 15 - 20 minutes. Our tour driver passed on lots of information about each stop, and pointed out wildlife as we passed by it. She made the most of situation. This was a great 90 minute tour and would be delighted to do again. You just can't trust Mother Nature to always work with you.

Mark A

On Aug 2024

Outstanding tour guide and tour.


Best Price Guarantee!


Duration: 1.5 hours

Best Price Guarantee!

Duration: 1.5 hours

Adult (12+): $49.00

Child (2-11): $39.00

Infant (under 2): $0.00

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