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Skagway Laughton Snowshoe Expedition

Excursion Overview

Embark on a Memorable Snowshoe Winter Expedition

This excursion combines a scenic train ride on the historic White Pass & Yukon Route Railway with an adventurous snowshoe expedition toward the stunning Laughton Glacier, creating an unforgettable experience.

Embark on the train for an approximately 45-minute journey filled with spectacular waterfalls, rushing rivers, rugged mountain peaks, and enriched by Klondike Gold Rush History. Upon reaching Glacier Station, guides will equip you with snowshoes and gear for a fully guided and narrated roundtrip snowshoe trek spanning three to five miles. Soon you will breathe in fresh mountain air and be surrounded by the beauty of an old-growth forest. The magnificent, snow-blanketed, sub-alpine rainforest valley is home to an abundance of moose, bears, mountain goats, and other wild animals.

Following a scenic route alongside the lively Skagway River, you'll capture memorable photos before proceeding towards a smaller valley containing the Laughton Glacier. The canopy opens as you leave the forest and reach a panoramic viewpoint known as "the lookout". Here you can take a moment to rest and capture stunning photos while enjoying the breathtaking views of Alaska's wintry wonderland in springtime.

From here, the group may choose to continue a ways toward the majestic Laughton Glacier or may make this the apex of the hike. Whatever the group’s itinerary, you’ll be invigorated by the raw beauty of the Alaskan wilds and be offered hot drinks by your guides.

Upon returning to the trailhead, indulge in our traditional "Bush Buffet," featuring snacks and assorted beverages. Finally, enjoy a leisurely train ride back to downtown Skagway aboard "The Scenic Railway of the World." One guide will be with a maximum of six guests and this would be a great time to ask any questions.

Please note: Previous experience snowshoeing is not required, however, this is a moderately strenuous hike and guests should be in good physical condition.

Availability: This tour is only available in April and May.

Things You Need to Know


  • Snowshoes and water-resistant overboots
  • Lumbar packs, trekking poles, rain gear, hats and gloves
  • Guides carry extra warm clothing, sunblock and bug repellent
  • Full lunch in the form of a made-to-order sandwich
  • Water bottles, candy bars and nuts are provided for the trail. Hot drinks will also be offered during the hike.
  • The post-hike “bush buffet” consists of snacks and assorted beverages


  • A minimum of 2 passengers is required to book
  • Valid Passport required
  • Minimum age: 8 years old
  • Must be able to hike under own power over steep terrain for up to 6 miles
  • Closed-toed shoes or hiking boots with ankle support are strongly recommended
  • Dress in layers, large temperature variabilities will occur
  • Must bring own life saving medications (Epi-Pen, nitro, albuterol, etc.)
  • Sign liability waiver

Duration: 10 hours (Roundtrip from a central meeting location near the cruise ship docks.)

  • 10 minutes - transport to the train platform and narration along the way
  • 15 minutes - load the train and get ready to depart
  • 45 minutes - ride the White Pass and Yukon Route Railroad to Glacier Station (mile 14)
  • 7.25 hours - hike/snowshoe towards the Laughton Glacier and back to Glacier Station (4-6 miles)
  • 45 minutes - ride the train back to Skagway
  • 15 minutes - disembark the train and load up to ride back to downtown Skagway
  • 15 minutes - ride back into downtown Skagway or get dropped off at your cruise ship

Meeting Instructions:

  • This tour meets a short distance, central to the cruise ship docks. Transportation back to your cruise ship at the end of the tour is included. Fully detailed instructions are included on your finalized ticket vouchers.

ADA Accessibility of Tour:

  • This tour is not wheelchair or limited mobility accessible.

Refund Policy:

  • You may cancel for any reason up to seven (7) days prior to the date of the tour for a full refund.
  • Please see our Refund Policy Page for complete details.

Frequently Asked Questions

At this time of year, most of the glacier ice is still hidden underneath snow. It is extremely hazardous to attempt to travel along the glacier ice while it is hidden underneath snow. The likelihood of touching a glacier on this tour is very remote.

Skagway is home to a variety of wildlife including bald eagles, arctic terns, brown bears, black bears, marmots, mountain goats, pine martins, wolverines, wolves, lynx, and more. There is always the possibility of seeing wildlife on tour, but this is not a designated wildlife tour and specific wildlife cannot be guaranteed.

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Guest Reviews

We do not have any review about this excursion yet.


Best Price Guarantee!


Duration: 10 hours

Best Price Guarantee!

Duration: 10 hours

Minimum of 2 Required to Book

Passenger (8+): $350.00

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