From Cache

Haines Wildlife Safari Tour

Excursion Overview


With a sense of adventure and your experienced naturalist guide, come experience the great outdoors of Haines, Alaska. Travel through historic Fort Seward and the stunning Chilkoot Valley in search of all things 'wild' Alaska.

Four hours will fly by as you explore the Chilkoot River corridor. Marine life could be feeding in rich waters along the coast. With the river's salmon run in full swing, guests maximize their chance of seeing bears in the wild. Your guide will have powerful spotting scopes and binoculars available for any spotted wildlife.

Enjoy a seaside picnic after capturing incredible images of the surrounding area. After lunch, the adventure continues for eagle spotting and a final stop at a habitat where all five species of wild Pacific salmon run through!

Please note that tour stops may vary slightly to maximize wildlife viewing potential.

Things You Need to Know


  • Narrated round trip transportation from the ship
  • Picnic style lunch included (sandwiches, chips, fruit, and cookies)
  • Provided equipment: shared spotting scopes and binoculars
  • Experienced, naturalist guide


  • Guests need to be able to get in and out of the van and walk on uneven surfaces

Duration: 4 hours (Roundtrip from cruise ship terminal.)

  • 30 minutes - narrated scenic drive of Fort Seward and Haines
  • 30 minutes - continued transport to Chilkoot River with a stop for a photo opportunity of the town of Haines
  • 120 minutes - exploring the Chilkoot River and Lake on the lookout for wildlife with a seaside picnic
  • 45-60 minutes - return transportation to Haines cruise ship terminal
  • Tour stops may vary to maximize wildlife viewing potential

Meeting Instructions:

  • This tour meets at the end of the pier. Fully detailed instructions are included on your finalized ticket vouchers.

ADA Accessibility of Tour:

  • This tour is not wheelchair or limited mobility accessible.

Refund Policy:

  • You may cancel for any reason up to seven (7) days prior to the date of the tour for a full refund.
  • Please see our Refund Policy Page for complete details.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, there are no age restrictions for this tour.

There isn't much walking on this tour. If the guest doesn't wish to walk far, it can be less than a mile. Guests need to be able to get in and out of the van and walk on uneven surfaces. There will be some gravel or paved paths around Chilkoot Lake.

Wildlife is abundant in Southeast Alaska and sightings are possible on any tour. While nothing can be guaranteed, your experienced guide is there to help your group spot wildlife at the height of salmon spawning season.

We will run the tour as long as we have at least 2 guests on the tour!

This tour can accommodate up to 12 passengers.

We recommend dressing in layers. Also, this tour operates rain or shine, so don't forget your rain jacket!

Non-alcoholic beverages in closeable containers and snacks are allowed on tour.

Beverages and lunch are included. The picnic lunch consists of sandwiches, chips, fruit, and cookies.

Just let us know when you're booking your reservation. There are alternative lunch options to accommodate most dietary restrictions with advanced notice at no additional charge.

Backpacks and small bags are allowed on this tour.

Restrooms are available on the dock before departing for your tour.

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Guest Reviews

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Best Price Guarantee!


Duration: 4 hours

Best Price Guarantee!

Duration: 4 hours

Adult (12+): $175.44

Child (11 and under): $131.59

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