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Private Transfer from Fairbanks to Denali National Park

Excursion Overview

Private, one-way transfer from Fairbanks to Denali

A scenic drive from Fairbanks, Alaska to Denali National Park with welcomed stops at Mount Denali Viewpoints along the way. This one-way, private transfer for up to four guests is an ideal travel arrangement for your time in Northern Alaska.

Private vehicles are available to book for groups of up to 4 guests or groups between 5-10 guests.

Ensure you have return transportation

The Private Transfer from Denali National Park to Fairbanks is a great option should you need a return ride to Fairbanks.

Should you like to continue on to Anchorage, you might consider the Train from Denali National Park to Anchorage via Denali Star Train or the Private Transfer from Denali National Park to Anchorage

Things You Need to Know


  • Privately guided transfer in a clean and air-conditioned vehicle
  • Pick up from local accommodations or airport in Fairbanks
  • Drop off at local accommodations in Denali


  • Select the appropriate sized private vehicle.. Two private vehicle options are available. One vehicle can hold between 1-4 guests and the other private vehicle can hold between 5-10 guests.
  • A luggage limit of 2 bags per guest and one small item that can be held on your lap for the duration of the trip

Duration: 2-2.5 hours (Private transfer from Fairbanks to Denali)

  • 2-2.5 hour drive from Fairbanks to Denali with an optional stop in the town of Nenana

Meeting Instructions:

  • This tour provides pick-up from local accommodations in Fairbanks. Fully detailed instructions are included on your finalized ticket vouchers.

ADA Accessibility of Tour:

  • This tour is limited mobility accessible. Guests must be able to climb two steps into and out of the vehicle. There is limited space for collapsible wheelchairs and walkers. There is no storage available for motorized scooters. Please leave a comment during checkout if accommodations for collapsible equipment will be required on tour.

Refund Policy:

  • You may cancel for any reason up to seven (7) days prior to the date of the tour for a full refund.
  • Please see our Refund Policy Page for complete details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can go ahead and make your reservation and contact us later to update your drop-off location. That way you secure your spot before the date fills up. If we haven’t heard from you within about a week of your trip, we will try to contact you.

A luggage limit of 2 bags per guest and one small item that can be held on your lap for the duration of the trip

Two private vehicle options are available. One vehicle can hold between 1-4 guests and the other private vehicle can hold between 5-10 guests. Please select the appropriate option at checkout.

The driver can always make an unscheduled stop if there is an urgent need.

Car seats for children are not provided and we cannot guarantee that the vehicles have compatible seating configurations. Please contact us directly for more information.

There are limited rideshare services or rental car options available with service between Fairbanks to Denali.

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Guest Reviews

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Best Price Guarantee!



Duration: 2-2.5 hours

Best Price Guarantee!

Duration: 2-2.5 hours

Private Vehicle (1-4 guests): $599.00

Private Vehicle (5-10 guests): $799.00

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